RES-850 Modified 10 Strategic Points Qualitative Study Extraction: 2023 Updates

RES-850 Modified 10 Strategic Points Qualitative Study Extraction: Introduction

The RES-850 Modified 10 Strategic Points Qualitative Study Extraction is a methodological framework used to extract and summarize the key elements of a qualitative research study. The framework consists of ten strategic points that cover different aspects of the research process. These points are:

  1. Phenomenon or topic of interest
  2. Research problem and purpose
  3. Research question(s) and/or hypothesis(es)
  4. Qualitative research design
  5. Research setting and sample
  6. Data collection methods
  7. Data analysis methods
  8. Trustworthiness and/or rigor
  9. Findings or results
  10. Conclusions and/or implications

By extracting and summarizing these key elements, the framework provides a structured and systematic approach to evaluating the quality and rigor of a qualitative research study. It also allows for the comparison and synthesis of different qualitative research studies.

The RES-850 Modified 10 Strategic Points Qualitative Study Extraction is commonly used in doctoral-level research as a tool for critically evaluating and synthesizing the literature. It can also be used to guide the development and execution of a qualitative research study, ensuring that all key elements are addressed in a systematic and rigorous manner.

Template to Use

Article CitationWatkins, T. M. (2016). Professional learning community implementation and teacher perceptions of participation influences on professional growth (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Dissertations & Theses @ Grand Canyon University. (Order No. 10170194)
PointDescription Location

(Page #)

Lit Review250 words 
Data Collection Approach100 words 
Data Analysis Approach100 words 
Evaluation (300 words)


1.     Discuss the key points in the literature review and how the author used this section to identify the gap or problem addressed in the study.

2.     Describe the phenomenon under study and how it is a key component in this qualitative research study.

3.     Describe the problem and how it informed the research questions under study.

4.     Describe the qualitative design used and why it is appropriate for the identified problem and research questions. Support your response with a peer-reviewed citation from a research source.

5.     Assess the appropriateness of the instruments used to collect data and answer the research questions as well as to address the stated problem.


Sample Expert Answer

Watkins, T. M. (2016). Professional learning community implementation and teacher perceptions of participation influences on professional growth (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Dissertations & Theses @ Grand Canyon University. (Order No. 10170194)
Description Location

(Page #)

a)    Background of the problem/gap:

i.         The goal of professional learning communities (PLCs) is to enhance student performance

ii.         Schools that offer PLCs should provide instructors training and guidance to plan effectively.

b)    Theoretical foundations (models and theories to be foundation for study);

i.         Transformational learning theory.

ii.         Social cognitive theory.

iii.         Professional learning communities.

c)     Review of literature topics with key theme for each one;

i.         Qualitative PLC research: There have been previous studies that had successfully explored the phenomena under study using the design.

ii.         PLC’s focus on teaching and learning: PLC is an essential framework in the sector of education. Through the structure, learning and teaching improves.

iii.         Professional development: Project critical thinking and reflection is critical towards extending the knowledge levels for teachers.

iv.         Teacher perceptions of PLCs: Empowered teachers normally own their learning offered in the PLC conceptual structure.

v.         Transformational learning: Transformational learning” does not take place as easily as it requires a lot of efforts and resources.

vi.         Social cognitive theory: social, environment, and personal factors are responsible for controlling behavior

vii.         Methodology and Instrumentation: Data archiving, interviews, and questionnaires are some of the most used instruments in studies exploring the issue of PLCs.

d)    Summary:

i.         Gap/Problem: There is much need to describe how PLC designs in one K-8 school are modeled and put into place with a primary intent of learning and teaching.

ii.         Prior Studies: Previous studies show that the perception of teachers regarding PLCs may influence the learning environment in schools.

iii.         Methodology: The most exploited methods seemed to be the qualitative case study.

iv.         Significance: The purpose of the project is to explain how PLC designs in one K-8 school are modeled and put into place with a primary intent of learning and teaching.

a)     Page 32

b)    Page 35,36 and 37 respectively

c)     Page 40, 43, 56, 62, and 64 respectively

a)     Independent variable (IV): Implementation of PLCs was the IV in the study. The parameter was determined through interviewing the teachers. The participants had to respond to about 10 questions developed out of the attributes that constitute a useful PLC. Archival of data was also done to determine the impact incorporation of PLCs had on the professional development and growth of teachers.

b)    Dependent variable (DV): The perception of teachers was measured using the open ended questionnaires which were issued to 3-5 district schools. The tool was aligned with the aspects of DuFour’s suggestions of a PLC conceptual framework.

a)     Descriptive data was utilized to provide a summary of the findings. The qualitative information involved in the study comprised of two open ended questionnaires, interviews and archival data. Transcribed interviews were generated utilizing voice-to-text software and the researcher edited the data for accuracy. Responses to the questionnaires were uploaded into an excel spreadsheet.

b)    Thematic analysis: Hatch’s coding strategy was used to analyze profound concepts in the data collected. The information was triangulated to enhance the trustworthiness of the qualitative case study. Data triangulation was facilitated by determining views and insights. The approach was applied to both questionnaires, which were open ended and the semi-structured interviews.

a)     Page 115 and 131 respectively.

Discuss the key points in the literature review and how the author used this section to identify the gap or problem addressed in the study.

In Watkins’ (2016) article, the literature review section provides a comprehensive overview of the previous research conducted on professional learning communities (PLCs) and teacher professional growth. The author begins by defining the concept of PLCs and their purpose, which is to provide a collaborative learning environment for teachers to share ideas, discuss teaching practices, and improve student learning outcomes.

The literature review then discusses the different models of PLCs that have been implemented in schools, as well as the factors that have been found to influence their effectiveness. The author highlights the importance of teacher participation in PLCs, as well as the need for adequate support and resources from school administrators.

The literature review also discusses the impact of PLCs on teacher professional growth, as well as the limitations of previous research in this area. The author notes that many previous studies have focused on the impact of PLCs on student learning outcomes, rather than on teacher professional growth, which is the focus of this study.

The author then identifies the gap in the literature that this study aims to address, which is the need for a better understanding of how PLCs influence teacher perceptions of participation in professional growth, and the factors that influence this participation. By providing a detailed review of the previous research in this area, the author establishes the rationale for the current study and justifies its importance.

Overall, the literature review section of Watkins’ (2016) article serves as an important foundation for the study by providing a thorough overview of the previous research in the area of PLCs and teacher professional growth. The author effectively uses this section to identify the gap in the literature that the study aims to address, and to establish the significance and relevance of the research question.

Describe the phenomenon under study and how it is a key component in this qualitative research study.

The phenomenon under study in Watkins’ (2016) qualitative research study is the implementation of professional learning communities (PLCs) and their influence on teacher perceptions of participation in professional growth. Specifically, the study aims to understand how teacher participation in PLCs influences their perceptions of professional growth, and the factors that influence this participation.

PLCs are collaborative learning environments where teachers can share ideas, discuss teaching practices, and improve student learning outcomes. They are a relatively new concept in the field of education, and their effectiveness in improving teacher professional growth is still an area of active research. The phenomenon of PLCs is a key component of this qualitative research study because it provides the context and focus for the research question and aims.

The study explores the experiences and perceptions of teachers who participate in PLCs, and seeks to understand how these experiences influence their professional growth. By examining this phenomenon in-depth through the use of qualitative research methods, the study aims to provide a rich and nuanced understanding of the complex factors that contribute to teacher participation in PLCs and their perceptions of professional growth.

The phenomenon of PLCs is a key component of this qualitative research study because it is the object of inquiry and the context in which the research question is situated. The study aims to generate new insights and knowledge about this phenomenon through the perspectives and experiences of teachers, and to contribute to the broader literature on professional development in education.