How to Complete RES 11 RS Synthesis Worksheet Doctoral Identity

The RES 11 RS Synthesis Worksheet: Doctoral Identity is a tool designed to help doctoral students reflect on their personal and professional identity as scholars. To complete the worksheet, you should follow these steps:

  1. Review the worksheet: Read through the worksheet carefully to understand the purpose and structure of each section.
  2. Reflect on your doctoral journey: Take some time to reflect on your doctoral journey so far, including your motivations for pursuing a doctoral degree, the challenges and successes you have experienced, and the goals you have for your future career as a scholar.
  3. Answer the questions in each section: Work through each section of the worksheet, answering the questions as honestly and thoughtfully as possible. Use specific examples and experiences to illustrate your points, and consider how your responses relate to your overall doctoral identity.
  4. Synthesize your responses: Once you have completed each section of the worksheet, review your responses and look for common themes or patterns. Consider how your responses reflect your personal and professional identity as a doctoral student and how they may guide your future research and scholarship.
  5. Use your synthesis to inform your doctoral journey: Finally, use your synthesis to inform your ongoing doctoral journey. Consider how your reflections on your doctoral identity can help you stay focused, motivated, and committed to your goals as a scholar, and how they can help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Overall, completing the RES 11 RS Synthesis Worksheet: Doctoral Identity can be a valuable tool for doctoral students to reflect on their personal and professional identity as scholars and to use that reflection to inform their ongoing journey as researchers and scholars.

Sample Worksheet