How to write a synthesis for a peer-reviewed article in LDR 802

Writing a synthesis for a peer-reviewed article in LDR 802 involves critically analyzing the article and integrating its main ideas into your own understanding of the topic. To guide this process, LDR 802 provides a synthesis worksheet that can help you organize and synthesize your thoughts. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Read the article: Start by reading the peer-reviewed article carefully and taking notes on its main ideas and arguments. As you read, highlight key passages and take note of any questions or criticisms that arise.
  2. Review the LDR 802 synthesis worksheet: Access the worksheet and review the questions provided. Use these questions to guide your analysis and synthesis of the article.
  3. Answer the questions: Work through the questions on the worksheet, using your notes from the article to provide specific examples and evidence. Be sure to provide a clear and concise summary of the article’s main ideas and arguments, and consider any implications or limitations that arise.
  4. Organize your thoughts: Once you have completed the synthesis worksheet, review your responses and look for common themes or patterns. Use this information to organize your thoughts and identify the most important points that you want to convey in your synthesis.
  5. Write your synthesis: Using the information from the worksheet, write a concise and focused synthesis of the peer-reviewed article. Your synthesis should provide a clear and accurate summary of the article’s main ideas and arguments, while also offering a critical evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses. Use specific examples and evidence to support your claims, and be sure to cite the article appropriately.

By following these steps and using the LDR 802 synthesis worksheet as a guide, you can develop a well-organized and thoughtful synthesis of a peer-reviewed article in LDR 802.

Here are some comments I made that might help a doctoral or PhD student at GCU complete this worksheet flawlessly.

I would like to provide a bit of guidance regarding your Module 4 synthesis paper. You are going to use the outline you created within the assignment to craft your Module 4 paper. You should not include any direct quotations or copy and paste directly from the articles within that paper. Remember, at the doctoral level, we focus on paraphrasing in our own words and citing appropriately rather than using direct quotations. Also, please do not think that direct quotations equals synthesis because it is exactly the opposite.

Many people are very intimidated by the word “synthesis” and think that is something that they have never heard of or certainly not ever practiced before but I would contend that you actually practice synthesis every day, you just don’t use the “fancy” word. Synthesis is not simply reporting what the author’s stated, rather when we practice synthesis, we are supporting our OWN writing by using the author’s as our research support.

For example, if you have ever heard a sermon (or preached one J), the minister is practicing synthesis. The Bible is generally the primary source but they are taking the portion of scripture and making meaning that is applicable to the listener. I do not know about you but I have never been church where they simply read a passage of scripture and then sent me home to figure out how to apply it; rather, the minister breaks down the passage (using many other resources during his/her study time) and helps the listener make meaning and application in their own life.

I challenge you to attempt to write your Module 4 paper with this technique in mind. Do your best and do not expect perfection. This is truly on your 2nd paper of your doctoral journey. It will not be perfect and it is not expected it will be. This is a journey and each step along the way provides for learning opportunities that stretch and grow us. Above all, do not stress about the word SYNTHESIS. Take a breath and see it for what it is – a learning and growing opportunity.

I want to remind you that at this point you need to focus not only on the content of your writing but the writing mechanics, as well (syntax, sentence structure, grammar, writing in 3rd person, etc.). Please make sure to proofread your paper preferably reading your work out loud to catch grammar and awkward wording. Conduct spell and grammar checks prior to final submission AND MAKE THE NECESSARY CHANGES. Failure to do so can imply a lack of attention to detail.

Also, please take a look at, and familiarize yourself with, the rubric that will be used to grade your weeks 4 Synthesis paper so you can keep those elements in mind as you compose your paper.

Here are a few resources on SYNTHESIS that you may find helpful:

 Drew University Synthesis Writing                         

 Help…I’ve Been Asked to Synthesize!

 Youtube Video: Synthesis Essay!? AAAAAHH!!!